LoRaSTM wireless dev-board

I got into this project mainly because I finally wanted to turn my peer-to-peer protocol into reality. I’ve been thinking about it ever since the Wireless soil moisture sensors project. Even though I didn’t think of this one like that at first, this project, and its rather quick bring-up and completion, as a pleasant side-effect also really helped to move forward the sensor project if I ever decide to revive it in the future.

The protocol, which I’ve come to call the Tiny Secure Protocol Stack, TSPS in short, does exactly what its name suggests - a very small footprint, built-in encryption of the payload, and support for encapsulation. I wrote a summary of the features, design, and implementation, but it is only available in Czech.

LoRaSTM_demo (mp4) (webm), TSPS whitepaper

Last updated on June 29, 2021